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Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Our Mission

Our mission is to support and guide you to your best life. We aim to provide professional organizing services that promote exponential personal and professional growth. Our clients entrust their homes and businesses to our care, and in return strive forward knowing that things are in order. As our tag line says, "Life flows when things are in order."

Our Values

We believe that everyone deserves peace of mind, freedom, organization, maintainable systems, and the experience of luxury... on any budget. Each client has a story, and we love to hear where we can professional organization can help. We are customer-focused and place our highest value on our client interactions. It's your smiles that remind us we are doing great work.

What You Can Expect

We work closely with clients to design custom organizing systems and teach organizational skills. The Neat Suite isn't just about organization, it's about alignment. Your space is an extension of who you are. When it is balanced and free of clutter, so is your mind. We design layouts that honor the emotional-spatial connection in any space that caters to people. While we tackle it all, our specialties include residential and corporate spaces.

"The Neat Suite Method" is our very own style of integrating tidiness and personalized aesthetics, meant to create what is known as "flow". Our professionally organized spaces foster productivity, provide security, enhance peace of mind, and simply make life easier.

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